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What is a Statement of Work for IT Jobs?

A statement of work for IT jobs is essential to fully understand the project, the working relationship, and what’s expected. If you’re looking for your next must-fill IT role or have recently received a statement of work (SOW) for an upcoming role, consider the following:

Statement of Work 101

A SOW captures any aspects related to the work management of a specific project. In most cases, this document is used to create a mutual agreement regarding a specific project or to achieve a desired outcome. For example, an SOW would be appropriate for the employer and contract-to-hire relationship to communicate expectations and processes. 

This is the foundation of a working relationship and provides a clear framework for what’s expected, who is involved, and how work should be completed. They’re most common with contract-to-hire roles or project-based hires. 

A Statement of Work Is Not A Scope of Work

The statement of work will cover some components relevant to the scope, but it is not as detailed. The scope of work goes into deeper detail about specific tasks or objectives, whereas the statement of work takes a high-level view of the mission, general expectations, success criteria, and deliverables. It is also not, in and of itself, a contract, but it can be a living, breathing document that can be adjusted if needed. 

Benefits of A Statement of Work

Creating a framework that everyone can see and adhere to provides precise clarity and a standard for the working relationship. A SOW is also beneficial in other ways, including:

Key Components of A Solid Statement of Work

This is not an exhaustive list but includes many of the must-have components for where to start with a statement of work. 

Filling An IT Role? We Can Help. 

IDR is deeply connected to the IT community and sources only the industry’s top talent. Our team is the fastest-growing and rated the best 11 times over by Clearly Rated. Reach out to us here, and let’s find your next perfect fit. 

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