Texas Department of Information Resources (DIR)
State of Texas Department of Information Resources (DIR)

Contract Overview
IDR is proud to be an approved vendor on the Texas Department of Information Resources (DIR) Information Technology Staff Augmentation Contract (ITSAC). Please follow this link for more information on the ITSAC. To view IDR’s DIR Contract Number DIR-CPO-5474, please click here.
The ITSAC provides temporary IT staffing services to agencies based on negotiated rates. State Agencies may choose from a list of approved vendors either through a competitive solicitation sent to all vendors or through the best value process.
IDR specializes in providing top quality IT staff augmentation services throughout the State of Texas.
A list of subcontractors can be found on our HUB Subcontracting Plan (HSP) given on our DIR contract page or can be found by clicking here: IDR’s Approved HSP.
How to Order and Obtaining Contract Pricing
Click here for available contract pricing and contact Samantha Green at DIRSolicitations@idr-inc.com for more information on our services. To obtain a quote, place a purchase order with, or seek warranty information with IDR for services under the ITSAC, please contact:
Samantha Green, 404-434-8667
Email: DIRSolicitations@idr-inc.com
Purchase orders may be sent to DIRSoliticitations@idr-inc.com and must be made payable to Internal Data Resources, Inc. Additionally, you must reference the DIR Contract Number DIR-CPO-5474 on your purchase order.
Click here to view additional details about DIR’s Cooperative Contracts Program Overview and Services.
Contact Information:
For more information on service quotes, purchase orders and staff augmentation or to discuss your specific requirements for our services through DIR’s ITSAC, DIR Contract No. DIR-CPO-5474, please contact:
Samantha Green
4851 Lyndon B Johnson Freeway
Suite 100
Dallas, TX 75244