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Questions About Becoming an IT Recruiter with IDR

If you are considering joining the team at IDR, you probably have questions about being an IT recruiter. We are excited you are thinking about taking this step! IT recruiting is a growing business, and we are always looking for driven individuals to join our team.

Lets look at some of the questions you may have when beginning this process:

What is recruiting?
Recruiting is going out on behalf of a company and finding a candidate for a job position they have.

What experience is required for this position?
At IDR we value character over experience. Perseverance, dedication, and an eagerness for success are all traits we are looking for. Most of our recruiters have little or no previous recruiting experience or knowledge of IT but have sales-driven personalities and are excited to overcome a new challenge.

How much knowledge of IT do I need?
None. As you progress as a recruiter, you will gain a surface level knowledge of the jobs and field but no previous knowledge is required.


How do I find candidates for jobs?
We use a variety of practices including inside sales calling, job boards, LinkedIn, internal databases, and individual networking. As your career as a recruiter progresses, you will develop a “hot book” of good candidates you may use as positions become available that match the candidates skill-set.

Tell me about the culture of IDR.
IDR is a fast-paced, competitive, empowering atmosphere. We have many ways for you to get more out of your job. We have book clubs, leadership training, and a Corporate Athlete program that focuses on health and wellness. Many of us are very health-conscious. We have “fun runs” after work where we run 3-6 miles together, and we participate in a group boot camp class each week. We even have personal training available to our employees during work. These are just a few of the ways we give back to our employees. We believe these tools will enrich our employees lives, thus making them more productive and engaged at work and at home.

What will my career progression look like?
We have multiple tracks for progression in IT recruiting. Your success is measured by your ability to understand the role and get the job done as well as demonstrate leadership capabilities. Sometimes a promotion can happen in a matter of months, and sometimes it may take a few years. Promotions can lead to the responsibility of a senior recruiter, lead recruiter, account manager, senior account manager, or branch manager. Typically, career progression will lead down a specific path that you will choose as you demonstrate the skills ready for the next level, whether it’s to remain in recruiting or to take on account management.

Have other questions? We would love to hear from you and continue the discussion about your future at IDR.

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