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Nashville Office selects Mission Statements

Each of our employees creates a mission statement for their lives. As we have mentioned before, IDR is interested in their employees well-being outside of the office as well as inside. Here is a selection of the Nashville Office Mission Statements and a picture of the author:

Anna Brogden
Anna Brogden

My mission is to lead a principally centered and balanced life. I will hone in on my inner strength and remember that self confidence and self motivation are key to being successful and achieving my goals. I will hold myself accountable for my actions and be open to continued guidance and coaching from all mentors. Maintaining an optimistic and positive outlook is crucial to achieving my goals and I will not shy away from a challenge. I will balance my priorities and follow through with my commitments. I will lead by example and always be willing to lend a helping hand to a friend, coworker, or family member. Success is an ongoing journey and my mission is to celebrate the victories along the way and leave a positive and lasting impact on others.

Chelsea Arnold
Chelsea Arnold

My purpose is to continually improve both personally and professionally. I will organize and execute around balanced priorities and principles. The difference between my successes and failures depends on my attitude. Attitude and potential go hand in hand and can be seen with no words. Thus, I strive to approach life with a positive attitude so that I will exceed my potential.
I will be remembered for my integrity, genuine concern for others, and faith that the prize is in the process. My purpose is to lead by example and to have a lasting impact on the way people live their lives. I live opportunity minded, feeding opportunities and starving problems.  I will always find the good in everything and will not waste time worrying. Through my vision and consciousness of my mission I will live a principally centered life.

Brandon Rogers
Brandon Rogers

I will live a principle centered life that will continually and positively affect others on a daily basis. I will lead by example with love and respect while investing in and relying on myself, my company, and my co-workers.  I will show compassion without compromising my values. I will live courageously, confronting my fears head on, welcoming the trials and tribulations that promote true character.

I will remain humble, giving thanks to God and furthering His Kingdom. I will be remembered for my intense passion to challenge the unknown and blaze my own trail. I will find delight in the successes of my fellow man never hesitating to sacrifice my time, strength, and capital for a greater cause.

I will be a fair leader, striving to listen without prejudice, always presenting solutions rather than judgment.
With steadfast persistence, I will prioritize my time and energy to relentlessly increasing my awareness physically, mentally, and spiritually.

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