For many, the end-of-year holiday season is one of exciting anticipation and joy. For some, it is a stress-fueled, uber-busy time of year that leaves you feeling exhausted and drained at work and home.
The stressors and demands of the season make it more important than ever to be attentive to your mental health. By treating and protecting yourself, you enhance your opportunity to perform your best in every area of life, all the time.
Mental Health Tips At Work
Take Your Scheduled Breaks: Peel your eyes away from your work and give your mind and body a break.
Personalize Your Workspace: Pictures of family and pets, fidget toys, plants, and decor that bring you a sense of calm tranquility and remind you of your purpose outside of work.
Start Your Day With A Prioritization Mindset: Whether you’re a list-maker or prefer more interactive prioritization tools, determine what must happen, what should happen, and what you’d like to happen every day. This helps reduce overwhelm and increases focus.
Maintain Professional Boundaries: The end of the year season is packed with rushed deadlines and “before the new year” requests. Stick to your designated working hours to skip burnout.
Mental Health Tips At Home
Daily Device Detox: You stare at screens and devices at work all day long, especially in the IT field. When you get home, designate a block of time for screen-free R&R. Get outside, read a book, play a board game, or wrap those presents.
Physical Exercise: Staying physically active has many benefits, including mental health. It releases happy endorphins, which are beneficial for reducing stress.
Consistent Sleep Schedule: Sleep is your opportunity to reset and restore your body to optimal functionality. Plan to get between 7 and 9 hours each night.
Hobbies and Social Activities: Remember those things you loved to do in your spare time? Is your closet full of hobby supplies and forgotten projects? Are there holiday parties you keep saying no to? Get back to it! These activities strengthen your connection to life and loved ones while reducing stress.
Find a renewed sense of joy this holiday season by avoiding burnout, reducing stress, and taking care of your mental health.
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