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IT Jobs Based on Myers-Briggs Personalities

The Myers-Briggs personality typing framework is easily one of the most widely used and globally respected tools to better understand people and teams. There are a total of 16 types, organized into four categories: Analysts, Diplomats, Sentinels, and Explorers. 

When considering which personality types are best suited for IT jobs, 5 types rise to the top for the best fit. 

INTJ: The Architect

An Architect is strategic and imaginative. They don’t do anything without a clear and tactical plan and can easily grasp complex ideas. Architects tend to be intellectual and blend creative ingenuity with direct rationality. These tendencies lend themselves well to IT roles such as:

INTP: The Logician 

The Logician is someone who will always bring a unique approach to problem-solving efforts and is willing to experiment with the unknown. They have an insatiable desire to learn and know all they can and are eager to explore deep, complex puzzles in any arena. INTPs would be a good fit for IT jobs such as:

ISTJ: The Logistician

Different from the Logician, the Logistician is acutely practical and focused purely on the facts. They are unquestionably reliable and best suited to a critical role that operates behind the scenes. Logisticians are analytical and thoughtful, always making well-informed decisions. IT jobs that would be a good match for the ISTJ type include:

ESTP: The Entrepreneur 

An ESTP Entrepreneur is perceptive, courageous, and energetic. They are action-oriented individuals who magnetize others to them and tend to be competitive. Entrepreneurs aren’t interested in theories; they want tangible action and prefer to fix-in-motion instead of planning for every possible contingency. These tendencies match with IT jobs like:

ISTP: The Virtuoso

A Virtuoso is someone bold and quick on their feet. They are eager to experiment practically from an individualistic mindset. The Virtuoso can remain calm under pressure and operate with a signature balance of curiosity and skepticism. IT jobs that would be a good fit for this personality type include:

Find Your Perfect-Fit IT Job

Working in a career that allows you to realize your highest potential is empowering. IDR can help! See current IT job openings here.

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