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Annual Cabo Trip

Recently, we returned from our annual trip to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. Once a year, our team is rewarded for extra work with a trip to Cabo. This is a memorable trip for everyone involved.

Everyone in the company is eligible for the trip to Mexico. Our team has individual goals to meet each year, but we also have stretch goals. Our stretch goals are goals which really push us beyond our everyday work. These goals are well beyond standard goals and require especially hard work and dedication, going above and beyond what is just “required.”

This trip has been happening for the past 5 years. Beyond enjoying the beach and wonderful weather, some of the activities enjoyed are: massages, volleyball, eating, 7 a.m. team yoga, and a 3 mile run to the lighthouse. Our run to the lighthouse is especially rewarding because when we reach the top there is an unbeatable view from the lighthouse.

This year, branch manager Shelton Blease was on the trip. He explained the trip saying, “It’s a great time getting to know people and spending time with them and their spouse. I get to know them on a personal level, not in a work environment. Since all branches are represented it gives me a chance to get to know people who I don’t work next to, but I work alongside of.”

Have you been on the trip? What are your favorite memories, or activities in Cabo?

Here are some pictures of our trip this year:

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